The Scientist's Dream: Develop new technologies that will change the world

The Scientist's Reality: making a real impact often look like a mirage.

With the right knowledge and the right mindset mirages can be transformed into a more tangible reality through the process of Technology Transfer.

That’s the premise of Deep-Tech 4 Dummies, the online repository of entrepreneurial-related resources created to help scientists accelerate the development of their hard sciences projects and increase their impact in the world outside the lab.

Who am I to do this?

Why you, as a scientist, should bother about developing entrepreneurial knowledge?

Why leveraging on Deep-Tech 4 Dummies to develop this knowledge?

Why “for Dummies”?

This repository is divided into four thematic areas:

***Handbooks, Startup Resources, Essays & Lists, and Tools***

Each section will collect useful material regarding tech transfer processes, startup development, the investor world, and much more. Content will be classified and organized to be easily accessible, and will be constantly updated.



What is Deep-Tech

What Entrepreneurship is about

Technology Transfer